
Video: Rachel Maddow on the Horrible SCOTUS Decision Allowing Anti-Choice Protesters to Harass Women

1Peter G16/27/2014 9:04:15 am PDT

This is a very large change in doctrine and the implications are frightening. The right of free speech has heretofore never carried with it the duty to be compelled to listen. I warned about this elsewhere on other issues. The protesters who insist at every gathering of the G8 that they have some inherent right to blow by security so they can let the Prime Minister of Japan or the Chancellor of Germany know how they feel in person demand the same right as anti-abortion protesters. The principle is exactly the same, they feel their right of free speech includes the right to compel particular people to listen. I wonder how the SCOTUS judges would feel about having to transit an entrance to their workplace where anyone who wanted to had the right to be within touching range so they too could offer their personal opinions about jurisprudence. I suspect they would find that very frightening indeed.