
The Police Audio of the Palin Family's Post-Drunken Brawl Interviews Is Not Pretty

Targetpractice10/22/2014 7:14:37 am PDT

re: #278 Vogon Poetry

Reached for the gun, or tried to keep Wilson from shooting him in the first place, because why would Wilson have the gun out in the car?

The timeline still reeks, and of course with the FPD and STL county police avoiding committing any actual facts of the scene to paper, means that we’re flying blind. Yet, the witnesses all indicate that Wilson had his hands up or outstretched when the fatal shots were fired - which is a clear indication that he was no longer a threat to Wilson when Wilson fired the fatal shots.

With all the leaks, it’s looking like a waterfall, and it’s all falling in one direction - against any kind of indictment.

Funny how that works.

It’s the drip-drip before the deluge. First it was Wilson’s version of events alongside the fact that there was two shots in the car. Then it was a source saying Brown “kept charging.” And now it’s saying that it looks like Brown went for the gun because the shot was close-range.

At this point, I’m expecting sometime in the next day or so, McCullough will announce that he’s failed to secure an indictment and will be closing the case with the understanding in the press that Wilson’s version of events are being accepted as the truth. The pressure will then be on the Feds to cease their investigation, not simply on Wilson but the FPD and STLCPD as a whole.