
Panic-Stricken Politicians Force Mandatory Quarantine on Ebola Health Workers

sagehen10/25/2014 10:30:00 pm PDT

re: #283 teleskiguy

Would indicate a bias, yes.

Hillary Clinton is like the Dems’ version of GHWB.

She’s got the long resume, she’s got the personal relationships with Lord High Muckety Mucks around the world… but she’s 40 years removed from any experience of real life (she hasn’t driven a car or gone to the grocery store or flown coach since she was in grad school)…

And she has trouble with “the vision thing.” She running on basic competence; whatever happens across her desk, whatever occurs in the world, she’ll react to it. She probably won’t do anything really stupid. But she’ll be waiting for things to react to, she has no particular thing she thinks the country needs to do that she wants to be in place to get done.