
Yet Another Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech and Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

austin_blue3/12/2015 6:40:26 pm PDT

re: #265 Charles Johnson

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Sir Pratchett would have had tremendous fun with Chuck, just not in the way of Chuck’s fantasy.

Terry was a gentle satirist, who saved his biggest barbs for those incapable of understanding or accepting “The Other”. The Ankh Morpork Police Department, originally staffed by unregenerate, mostly corrupt white men, eventually was staffed by Werwolves, Vampires (on the wagon), Dwarves, Trolls, Golem, and women in all of the above categories (except Golem- a distinct lack of female Golem in literature).

Bless his heart kind heart, and may he rest in peace. He was one of the funniest writers I have ever read, and one of the most observant of human nature.
