
Todd Rundgren: "Deaf Ears," With Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross

Blind Frog Belly White7/13/2017 8:57:51 am PDT

When I saw this, I was struck by a couple things. First, Trump has, by all appearances, a solid floor at 40%. For 40% of America, this guy is exactly what they want, and everything that everyone else sees - the racism, the corruption, the staggering incompetence - they either don’t see, or don’t care about, or actually embrace.

Now, the Administration that claims that they’ll produce economic growth consistently higher than 3% is working on a plan to reduce LEGAL immigration by 50%. This, to anyone with a brain, would make the already impossibly heavy lift of 3% growth even more impossible. Someone posted the productivity growth necessary to achieve 3% growth WITHOUT cutting immigration. It would require productivity growth most of America hasn’t seen in my lifetime.

This is what you get when 40% of America is immune to facts and rational thought, to the extent that they don’t have a clue where economic growth comes from. I am reminded of an online conversation with a Conservative a few years ago. He said - I shit you not - that what America needed was for all Americans to stop spending so much, to live within their means, buy only what they need. This, he said, would lead to the greatest economic boom we’d ever seen.

He believed this. In his mind, economic growth comes from personal virtue, not from demand for goods. His belief is the opposite of reality, it is easily refutable in ways a 10 year old could understand. Yet he clung firmly to it, because that’s what he believes.

This is our problem now. 40% of Americans have lost their mooring in reality, and they managed to elect a President and a Congress similarly unmoored from reality.

And with that, I leave you with this thought…