
Bush at Welcome Home Rally

realwest1/20/2009 4:42:18 pm PST

Good evening y’all. I’ve scanned some of the comments here and at the prior thread and while - if I had the time now - I would ordinarily, ah, disagree with some of the sentiments expressed, I can and will say that history will treat George W. Bush and his wife
far, far better than it will most of those who were so unbelievably visicous towards him while he was POTUS.
I know that he helped give freedom to some 50 million people in the Middle East; that although it wasn’t as much as many of us out here would have liked, he DID try to help - and indeed did help Israel, and I was truly grateful for his being our President from the purely narrow and selfish view that he kept me and mine safe after 9/11/01.
And while I can’t spend very much longer out here now, can anyone kindly direct me to a transcript of his speech today at his welcome home rally in Texas?