
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

Sharmuta7/05/2009 8:44:17 pm PDT

re: #225 lone_wolf_in_illinois

One thing that I did notice about the tea party that Mrs. Wolf and I attended on the 4th was that there were definitely a lot of Luap Nor attendees there. It wasn’t immediately evident, but by trolling the follow-up posts on the local websites from those attendees, it was easily discernible to see that a good majority of them were.

They are getting better at hiding their kookiness! I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. When I do catch one out in the open, I love to remind them that Luap Nor is affiliated with Racists and then ask them how they feel to be affiliated with racists by association. That usually shuts them up.

It’s a bad thing. The fascist infiltration mainstreaming their ideology is terrible. I’m glad this has been exposed by Killgore and Charles. We shouldn’t be afraid to ditch kooks- it actually makes us stronger.