
Overnight Ocean Thread

TedStriker10/05/2009 8:02:33 am PDT

re: #240 BeerDrinking_VictoryMonkey

Good luck to you, BDVM, but you know damn well that most of your (our) “friends” that left, flounced, or got the stick went off their damn rockers…it’s not Charles or LGF that’s changed as much as the long-timers who are gone either changed (for the worse), masked their true nature, or were expecting Charles to be something he isn’t.

I hope for your sake that you’re not now going to the ranks of the “stalkers”…if not, I implore you to reconsider. If so, then I’m disappointed in you and feel you’ve lost your damn mind.

/you know damn well Charles is gonna nuke your post (and account as soon as he sees it…