
The Huge Al Gore Mistake That Wasn't

ausador12/15/2009 5:43:29 pm PST

I have to say that Gore isn’t exactly my first choice of spokesperson for AGW. While he deserves a lot of credit and props for being an early and outspoken convert who helped bring attention to the issue he just isn’t a good spokesperson. He routinely makes major gaffes and mis-statements concerning the science that are then ridiculed, as is his consumerist lifestyle while calling for others to eshew the same.

Fine, in this case the scientist he was quoting didn’t feel like being held accountable for his own prior statements and tried to duck them. Gore didn’t do or say anything patently wrong here apparently, but he has in other cases. We have enough to deal just trying to get people to accept the climate science as reality without also trying to convince them that Gore is credible as a knowledgeable source for climate science fact.