
Stephen Colbert: The Norwegian Muslish Terrorist's Islam-esque Atrocity

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/26/2011 9:42:08 pm PDT

re: #270 makeitstop

I think she never got over Obama beating Hillary Clinton. FDL was a launching pad for the PUMAS, IIRC. They were pissed, and Jane still seems to be.

And she threw in early with a-holes like Larry Johnson and his non-existant ‘Whitey Tape,’ because she wanted to see Obama electorally wounded. I never really trusted her - as you said, she’s always had the whiff of self-promotion about her - and once she threw in with Johnson I gave up on her and her blog altogether.

Yeah that’s exactly what turned FDL into one of the blogs I frequent to see what the angry crankodoodle set is doing. I was talking earlier (somewhere else) about a bunch of the “progressives” just being Democratic-voting PUMAs who are afraid to be known as “liberals”.

If I had a bookmark category for them, FDL would be in with, prison planet, whatreallyhappened, some of those Gaza sites, Cynthia McKinney, et al.

Though if memory serves, it was Taylor Marsh who started that PUMA crap - I could be wrong…after a while those sites, DKos, MyDD, FDL, etc., started to all sound alike to me.

Larry Johnson, rotfl