
The James O'Keefe Scandal Gets Worse: Ex-Staffer Says He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt

justaminute3/21/2015 11:18:07 am PDT

I haven’t commented here in quite a while but here goes:

I have been married to an Iranian-American for 35 years. We travel to the ME and Iran often.

I am somewhat sorry along with being slightly amused by the gentleman’s hope for a Muslim bride.

I know scads of Muslim women and have yet to see a marriage arranged by Parent’s anymore. Their American Muslim woman and they can find their own mate…thank you very much.

Yes, the family will be consulted but they usually go along with their daughter and the majority are college educated and more often than not professional.

And as the young man has demands…let me tell you…she will have a long list of her own… my daughter has.

So good luck with that…