
Kurt Vile: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

jaunte2/14/2019 8:18:24 am PST

Wonkette with some good points re Never Trumpers, Steve Schmidt, and Howard Schultz:

“…Let us say right here that since the 2016 election, we’ve had a certain cautious affection for Never-Trumpers. We are glad that there are moderate and even conservative Republicans who have not buckled and lost their goddamned minds in the age of Trump, and we like giving people an opportunity to become less stupid right in front of our faces. We like the “country over party” mentality some of them seem to have. But we say “cautious,” because we have noticed that some of them have this adorable tendency to believe that now that they’re making common cause with Democrats, that we — the people over here who voted for the American candidate in the 2016 election in the first fucking place and aren’t watching our political party implode in a pile of shame, racism and Russian disinformation — should be laying out a welcome mat and giving up our long-held principles just to make Max Fucking Boot or David “I’m homophobic trash but I think I’m pretty gentle about it” French feel like maybe they can feel safe voting for a Democrat. If your patriotism isn’t enough to make you vote for whichever Democrat wins the nomination in 2020 in order to get rid of President Foreign Agent, then we ain’t got nothin’ for you.”