
Joshua Redman: Tiny Desk Concert

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS2/11/2024 9:14:12 am PST

re: #269 BeachDem

Only one correction—he said it right down the road from me in South Carolina on Saturday afternoon (I was at a Women’s Day of Action put on by the Democratic Women’s Council, so I was spared for a few hours of hearing his poisonous mouth.) Our local rag’s website started the morning with a gigantic pic of him and several surrounding stories and photo essays. They’ve drawn back a bit, still with multiple stories, but smaller pictures. And, interestingly, here in TRUMP COUNTRY, the main points in the stories were his questioning where Nikki’s husband was and pointing out how much bigger his crowd was than hers was last week. Not a word about NATO in the local stories; only in AP national feeds.

But not to worry,
Rubio dismisses Trump’s NATO comments: ‘Zero concern

because of course…

And he said the same thing at another rally in Conway, CA. That’s the one I was referring to.