
Got a Big Hamas Fish

vapig1/15/2009 12:07:24 pm PST

re: #250 eschew_obfuscation

re: #216 vapig

None of their allegations about numbers are credible.

First the Israelis were alleged to have killed 1000 Palestinians, half of whom were “civilians” (not sure how one would know a civilian from Hamas).

Then Hamas says it’s killed more Israelis than it has lost fighters.

We know that Israel has not lost more than 1000 troops, so Hamas is not even internally consistent with their propaganda.

Big surprise, huh?

Doesn’t matter. They’ll whip up the outrage with every child killed. Israeli children evidently don’t count.

It’s often been pointed out here that 25 year old pali men are listed as children killed, while 11 and 12 year old Israeli children are listed as people killed.

They disgust me.