
Saudi Arabia Moves In

albusteve1/23/2009 7:31:34 pm PST

re: #220 Dark_Falcon

And I don’t play by their rules. They can try to slime, but all that means is we need to try harder. We tried picking candidate approved by the MSM in 2008 only to have them turn on him. We need to promote someone they’ve slimed if only to show that we can. The MSM is in bad shape, we should not treat them like they are invincible.

look I like you and all that but you’re naive….you underestimate the power of the MSM…’we’ doesnt mean shit to these people…look at the mess the NYT is in but they totaly deny the reason for their demise…these people will not go down without a fight to the death…watch…they will morph into the next thing they become…they will try and probably succede in shutting down blogs like this…if not they will fight to ruin our cred…these people are merciless and could care less about you, we, us, or Sarah Palin