
Overnight Open Thread

BatGuano3/10/2009 12:56:30 am PDT

re: #248 Alberta Oil Peon

“so much attention”?

Exactly how many time has Charles posted a Falwell quote? To my recollection, there may have been one or two before this, but scarcely a flood of them.

Maybe it has escaped you, but this blog is considered to be an anti-idiotarian entity. Idiots on the left, idiots on the right, idiots of various religious persuasions, idiots who are atheists; they are all fair game.

Nobody here is lambasting Christians per se, they are mocking idiots and/or villains who happen to be Christians, or pose as Christians.

I didn’t realize that Falwell was such a sore spot here. I have no idea how much he has been quoted on this site. I don’t think I said there was a “flood” of anything. Nor did I accuse this site of unfairness to anyone. I do not intend to interfere with your war on idiots.