
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

redshirt11/07/2009 9:04:22 pm PST

re: #263 Existential_Donuts

I hate to break it to you, but you are lied to by almost everyone that wants something from you.

Hyperbole and exaggeration is part of politics, I believed the “deficit neutral” line as much as you did. But in the game of politics, that is the shit that happens. On both sides.

Call me cynical, but I don’t think one brand of liars is somehow better than others. I am motivated by my own self interest, like most people. This is how I get lower health care costs for my family, so I support it.

No, I never believed it, but that is why I have a fundamental mistrust of government. I was responding to a statement made trusting government.
Remember what happened to Bush senior with “read my lips” Absolute statements like Obama made will not be forgiven.