
Overnight Open

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/05/2010 8:26:23 am PDT

And again:

This stupid, subscription-based service is a terrible idea for three reasons:

1. Imperfect record keeping. What if you did pay, but there’s a blip in the computer and you’re listed as not a payee? What if you just moved, and they didn’t update your address?

2. Their notification about that service amounted to a phone call and a letter. That is all. It’s completely easy to miss a letter, and if someone called up to ask me to pay $75 for fire protection, I’d assume it was a goddamn scam.

3. The elderly, and the sick. A lot of people who still live on their own are not completely engaged with day-to-day life. It would be incredibly easy for an elderly person or a sick person with a little mental impairment to misunderstand the situation and think that what was being offered was insurance or some sort of extra fire protection— especially since it’s such a stupid idea to begin with.