
Ex-Boyfriend of Cain Accuser Corroborates Her Story

McSpiff11/14/2011 5:24:33 pm PST

re: #283 WindUpBird

read up on the credit crisis of 2008, and how close we came to financial armageddon

read up on neighborhood blight caused by the foreclosure crisis

read up on our “real” unemployment numbers

read up on predatory mortgage lending to black people

read up on bailouts=>banks=>bonuses

take a look at what BoA is doing to people’ unemployment benefits

check out the SEC and how they don’t seem to be effective at all

examine where our middle class has gone

and that is just the tippy tip of the iceberg

all these things should be changed

but you don’t care :)

hippiepunch away

I’ve read up on each and every one of your items. Now tell me what you want to do. But there are many solutions for that. Which do you support?