
Keith Jarrett Trio: When I Fall in Love

RogueOne3/30/2012 5:00:40 am PDT

Interesting opinion piece regarding the “white hispanic” terminology…

Trayvon Martin killing raises loaded racial terms

Over the years, Americans have become familiar with terms such as “white” and “Hispanic” and even — on government forms — the more specific “non-Hispanic white.” Now, courtesy of the mainstream media, there is a new phrase to add to our national lexicon: “white Hispanic.”

I don’t like the sound of that. I’ve written about the thorny subjects of race and ethnicity for nearly a quarter century, and I rarely hear this term. We might have been able to see this coming given that there is no Hispanic race and Hispanics come in all colors.

Still, mark my words. Wherever this road leads, it’s not good — not for Hispanics nor the rest of the country.

I’ll leave the “You should hear how some Mexican-Americans talk about Mexican immigrants. It’s not pretty, and it’s not helpful. And this is from people who are close enough to the subject matter that they should know better.” for a different time.