
The Benghazi Fake Scandal Returns at

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce12/11/2012 2:15:54 pm PST

re: #271 HappyWarrior

Sinclair Lewis or Upton Sinclair. Forget who. I always get the two mixed up. Damned pre WWII lefties and their Sinclairs.

Sinclair Lewis, from “It Can’t Happen Here” (1936)

A candidate espousing retrogressive “traditional family values” gets the backing of self-interested wealthy donors, religious groups, and a firebrand radio personality, and eventually gets elected president on a weird pseudo-populist/corporatist platform. Once elected, the “Corpo” government institutes military tribunals in lieu of civilian trials and other fun things that absolutely could never, ever happen here. It all ends in civil war.