
The Groups and Individuals Trying to Destroy Planned Parenthood Are Very Bad People

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/22/2015 8:33:08 am PDT

re: #280 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

As a U.S. Senator, Fiorina will indeed be fine debater. Oh wait….

Seriously she’s never been elected to anything. Her qualification in her eyes is “I ran a businesswoman so elect me president.” Uh no. I mean even if she did a decent job at HP that would be bs. So many of these businessmen and women think being in business makes them qualified to run a government. Cons love to say “Run government like you would a business” and that’s just stupid on so many levels. This guy thinks Fiorina would beat Clinton in a debate? Apparently he didn’t see how Fiorina got her ass kicked by Barbara Boxer in one of the most Republican years in recent memory. I know it was California but Clinton who you know actually has political experience and understands politics outside ZOMG BUSINESS IS THE ONLY THING would embarass her. Let’s not forget that Fiorina tried to say that Palin being governor of Alaska for a year and a half not only made her more qualified than Obama for the job but also McCain and Biden. Executive experience is nice but it’s not the end all.