
Colbert Interviews Amb. Susan Rice (2 Parts): Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Benefit the Most From Four More Years of Trump

EPR-radar8/18/2020 4:33:26 pm PDT

re: #281 KGxvi

At this point, a constitutional convention would likely mean the end of the Union. I am not sure you could get the disparate parts of the country to all agree on a brand new constitution. Hell, the convention would probably break down if the subject of a declaration of rights were introduced and included anything like the right to privacy.

A constitutional convention would be a disaster, but fixing the flaws in the existing constitution will be somewhere between difficult and impossible.

The fact that equal suffrage of the states in the Senate can’t be amended is especially problematic. Unless the Senate is turned (by amendment) into something fairly useless, it means a red state minority will have serious blocking power, indefinitely.