
Something You Won't See Every Day: Lachy Doley, "Voodoo Child" (On the Whammy Clavinet))

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/25/2021 4:52:49 pm PDT

My ideas for reform if we can’t get an outright repeal (and I’m not sure I’d want that anyway) are:

Increase the signature count required to get it on the ballot in the first place, by at least double what it is now, and reduce the time allowed to gather signatures to 4 weeks total from the filing date.

Recall elections can only occur during March or November elections, and if the signature gathering starts within 12 weeks of those election days, successful petition drives will result in the election being pushed to the next election date.

The ballot will only have one question which will be recall Soandso yes/no. If the governor is recalled, he or she is replaced by the Lt Governor, and the new Governor will appoint an acting Lt Governor pending legislative approval to fill the position until the next election.

Any other state position, a replacement is also appointed by the governor (or mayor, or whatever if it’s a local/county official) in the same manner to fill the position until the next election.