
Obama Health Care Town Hall Meeting

lawhawk7/01/2009 12:18:10 pm PDT

re: #262 Killian Bundy

But most of the stimulus hasn’t even been spent yet. Only a fraction has. The way it was set up, the spending was invariably backloaded to 2010 and 2011, well past the time that any stimulus was needed, but the spending was already seen as a lead weight around the neck of the US economy.

All the administration’s predictions about the economy, economic growth, and revenue forecasts are all wrong because reality has shown the unemployment rate to be far higher than ever anticipated by Obama and his cronies. That means that all the expenditures to deal with unemployment require that much more spending of money that we don’t have (and which requires the printing of still more money).

The American people were willing to give Obama the benefit of doubt the past few months, but their patience is going to wear thin as the double digit unemployment is on the way and the Administration plays coy with the true costs of the cap and trade and health care follies they’ve been proposing.

Instead of pushing tax cuts to spur economic development, the Democrats went the tax and spend route - with the typical consequences.

Oh, and Democrats in Congress will argue that the porkfest didn’t spend nearly enough and propose to spend even more to make the economy go again.

If it goes any more, it will be into cardiac arrest.