
Overnight Ocean Thread

Dark_Falcon11/08/2009 7:25:42 am PST

re: #280 Killgore Trout

The lone Republican explains his vote…

Cao says he put his district’s needs over his party’s wishes

I’ve got to go but I did want to say that I’ve thought about Cao’s vote and come to the conclusion to give some time. I think he really screwed up voting for this bill. That said, I think the GOP should take a look at him, because he might well be worth keeping. His district is unlikely to be represented by anyone except a liberal. The question Republicans have to ask themselves is: Will this guy be more willing to work with the party if we increase our numbers and can influence legislation in the House again. If he’s willing to work with the party (with will mean voting against his district on rare occasions), I’d say support him. If he’s going to simply hew to a liberal line, then I’d say he should not be supported.