
Nevada GOP Lawmaker: Cancer Is a "Fungus" That Can Be "Flushed Out" With Baking Soda

Sir John Barron2/25/2015 9:17:29 am PST

CNN has a new poll showing Scott Walker at the front of the clown car parade in Iowa:

Walker is leading a crowded field of potential presidential candidates in Iowa with 25% of likely Republican caucus-goers throwing their support to Walker in a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. The Iowa caucus will be the first test for presidential hopefuls and while the last two GOP winners didn’t get far in the primary process, the caucus is a crucial test of conservative credentials and can help signal some candidates off the campaign trail.

Libertarian favorite Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky came in second in the poll with 13% of support while former Gov. Mike Huckabee, the 2008 caucus winner, and Tea Party darling Ben Carson closely followed with 11% each.