
Video: Samantha Bee Has a Fever, and Its Name Is Covfefe

lawhawk6/01/2017 5:29:19 pm PDT

re: #252 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump thinks he can overcome basic economics and roll back the clock to some godforsaken time when things were “better.”

Energy providers are shifting away from coal at a record clip, and our local utility is shutting down two of its biggest coal fired plants, despite spending more than $1 billion over the past few years upgrading and making those facilities more efficient. PSEG admits they made a bad bet. They thought that coal would rebound and natgas prices would rise.

Natgas continues to be preferred because of raw cost, transport cost, storage cost, and ability to burn cleaner than coal. Only an ignorant dumbass would think that coal is ever going to come back. Trump’s position is akin to someone demanding we bring back whale oil and carriage makers.