
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

cliffster4/29/2009 1:11:19 pm PDT

re: #249 lawhawk

By the same token, do you really think all those GOP politicians who say that they’re against gay marriage are really against it, or are they pandering to their constituencies as well? It’s a game both parties play.

In 2004 people screamed that Bush only won because of them gay-hatin’ religious people. Now in 2008, you hear msnbc commentators pontificating on how appealing to the religious aspect of their base is killing the GOP. Gosh, what are they going to do, with all these pesky Christians bringing them down? Really? The same ones that were the only people stupid enough to vote for Bush in 2004? Must be a lot of them.

The GOP lost so heavily for two reasons - Bush went basically AWOL publicly in his second term, and allowed the media, who hates him, step all over him and the GOP. And, John McCain ran the worst campaign ever run by any politician, and let the GOP get slammed unanswered the whole time.