
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

wrenchwench12/15/2011 3:32:24 pm PST

Arpaio and his lawyers are talking now.

It’s being Tweeted.

azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
#Arpaio atty: do we have isolated incidents? Yes. Have there been mistakes? Yes.
2 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
#Arpaio: “I have compassion,” but enforcing the law overrides my compassion. “I will continue to enforce all the laws.”
6 minutes ago

AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: “Don’t come here and use me as the whipping boy for a national and international problem.”
9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: We’re going to cooperate the best we can, but if they’re not happy, “I’ll see you in court.”
10 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio on the request for his resignation: “It’s never going to happen.”
13 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: Don’t want to say this is all politics, but everyone coming after me is a Democrat.
15 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: “Outside of political pandering, there is no rationale for this.” Calls the report a “witch-hunt” and “ambush.”
19 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: The report is motivated only by Obama’s 2012 re-election.
20 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: DOJ’s report a foregone conclusion, they found what they were looking for, thinks report could have been written a year ago.
22 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: No specific allegations in the 22-page DOJ report, and we will not comment on the specifics.
23 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: only heard about today’s announcement yesterday afternoon, “astounded and shocked” at the contents of the report.
24 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: DOJ’s characterization of MCSO as uncooperative is disingenuous.
26 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: Because Obama “and his merry men” have canceled the 287(g), we may as well put up a neon sign welcoming illegal immigrants to USA.
27 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: Today is a sad day for America.
27 minutes ago