
Twitter's Redesigned Block Feature Is a Stalker's Delight - Update: Twitter Reinstates the Block Feature

Reality Based Steve12/13/2013 7:36:44 am PST

re: #281 Mattand

From TPM: GOP Struggle Widens As Boehner Rebukes Hard Right:

Would that be the same mainstream Republicans who were gutlessly convulsing on their fainting couches over these mouthbreathers, but voted for them anyway?

Cry me a fucking a river.

Right now there is a tea party guy who is running against Lamar Alexander in the primary here in TN. One of the things that helps the TP types is that primary voters tend to be HIGHLY MOTIVATED individuals. If you take your typical moderate centrist (Or Mod-Left / Mod-Right) voter they tend to be the ‘get along - go along’ willing to compromise type. They probably don’t like everything their Rep / Senator has done, but all in all, he’s ok with them. The TPs view anything that isn’t in lockstep with their rigid views as unacceptable. They vote in primaries, moderates less so.

Couple that with the highly gerrymandered safe districts so common today and you have the perfect storm where a small group of ideologues can inflict their view on the majority.