
Enjoy the Coca-Cola Ad That Drove the Right Wing Crazy

Vicious Babushka2/04/2014 5:48:41 am PST

I should tell the story of Bubbie’s Pot Roast.

Bubbie instructed her daughter on how to make Pot Roast.
“First you cut the roast in half and put it into two pots.”
Mama did not question Bubbie’s method and dutifully cut the roast in half and made the Pot Roast in two pots.
She did this for years.
Then when she instructed her daughter on the Pot Roast, the daughter said “Why do I have to use two pots? Why can’t I just put the whole thing in one pot?”
“Because Bubbie always used two pots!”
By this time Bubbie had passed away so they couldn’t ask about the reason for the two pots.
However they eventually solved the mystery when cleaning out a back pantry full of Bubbie’s old stuff, they found all her pots, and she didn’t have any that were large enough to hold an entire roast, that’s why she always used two pots.