
Friday Night Vimeo Jam: Tokyo in Reverse

Rightwingconspirator4/12/2014 9:32:24 am PDT

Many are thinking of the Branch Davidian raid what with this big operation going on. I don’t think it’s going to get anything like the Davidian raid.

Anyway for those newly interested I went looking for a review that was not all in for the militias. Obviously that raid went horribly wrong and accusations that friendly fire caused some of the deaths have not been put entirely to rest given the relative silence from ATF,

Interesting to note the agency paid a huge defamation settlement to one of the raid commanders. An indication candor had been lacking from both sides, no?

I found this at

February 27, 2013
Prior to now, the best way to hear from the agents who were in Waco that day was to turn to two retired agents who have given their accounts. Chuck Hustmyre published his in-depth account of the raid in 2003 online. And Robert Rodriguez, who infiltrated the Branch Davidian cult as an undercover agent, spoke to KENS-TV in 2010. Rodriguez sued his supervisors and the ATF in 1995, claiming they defamed him and conspired to make him a scapegoat. The suit was settled out of court and Rodriguez received nearly $2.3 million in damages.

ATF commanders hadn’t spoken about the planning and rationale for the raid. That changed earlier this month.

As part of the National Law Enforcement Museum’s “Witness to History” lecture series, three retired ATF commanders who planned and orchestrated the raid gave their accounts. Their candid remarks offered the most detailed insider’s view yet of the raid. They were joined by Reavis, who said the agency’s search warrant was flawed.

The panelists included Pete Maslin, the raid’s deputy incident commander; Jerry Petrilli, the team leader of the Dallas Special Response Team; and Bill Buford, co-leader of the New Orleans SRT. The event was hosted by Craig Floyd, NLEOMF’s chairman and CEO.

Retired ATF agents Pete Maslin, Jerry Petrilli, and Bill Buford discuss the Waco raid. Photo courtesy of NLEOMF.