
Lebo: Using 'Academic Freedom' to Keep God in the Science Classroom

traderjoe92/19/2009 8:33:22 pm PST

When they talk about teaching creationism in schools…what exactly does that mean? Are they going to bring in Genesis and read it out loud? Are they going to have a large class discussion on it?

I hardly think that teaching creationism to today’s kids would really so much indoctrinate children with these religious teachings. In fact, if anything, it could only hurt the creationist cause. I took Biology last year, and our teacher did in fact have a quick class discussion on creationism, and when ti was followed by evolution, most of the kids simply started laughing at the whole concept of creationism.

Teaching creationism would really only be a symbolic threat to this country - a clear abandonment of the first amendment, and as discussed earlier in this thread, a precedent for Muslims to increase their clamor for ‘equal’ (unlimited) time.