
CPAC Live Video 1

astronmr202/26/2009 6:49:28 pm PST

re: #234 UberInfidel67

I had higher hopes for Hillary. I was hoping she would go all “pissed of beeotch”. Maybe she is still laying her evil plan and we have a shot at preserving the Republic?

/oh please God yes

Well, here is the conundrum. Under “sane” circumstances, we know that “peace in the middle east” is not possible. The Arabs simply do not negotiate. They have to constantly piss and mark their territory, and never give an inch. To call them out on their bullshit would be for them to yell, scream, seethe, and beat their insecure chests.

In the interest of “peace,” or at least making trying to convince the rest of the world that they do care about peace (which they do) Israel has understood that it generally always has to be the one to compromise.

What’s “right” would be for any world leader to condemn the racist death-cult culture that the rest of the Arab world encourages in the Palestinians. However, there is a LOT of shit that any fair “broker,” as the US tries to be, has to ignore and look the other way on.

It’s a bullshit mess and pointless facade that each administration seems hell-bent on pursuing, perhaps in the interest of looking like we are “trying.”

The closest we ever saw to a peace arrangement was from Bill Clinton, and Arafat still threw it back in Israel’s face, despite true, un-deserved statehood being within reach.

Although he may not have been the perfect president if elected, I would like to have seen how Rudy would have treated the situation.