
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

kansas5/18/2009 7:46:45 pm PDT

re: #273 American Sabra

Yea, but of all people, to pick Rush? He could have picked Steele actually or said neither.

But it was Cheney who said it, not Steele, last week sometime. Steele was on Meet the Press Sunday and was asked what he thought about the quote. Honestly, I think Steele didn’t like it, but it was hard to tell. He was falling all over himself not to diss Cheney, well at least not to sound like he disagreed with him. Steele basically said that Cheney was a private citizen now and entitled to his opinion. It was a weak answer, but I understand why he gave it.

Right, it was Cheney. But I thought the choice was between Powell and Limbaugh.