
Overnight Open Thread

Lidane4/30/2010 7:30:24 am PDT

re: #272 vinnievin

So if Mexico is scared limp, and the border is not addressed, and the cartel is gaining traction, what is the solution? I recognize that there are many who would like to come in legally, but there is still the issue of the criminal activity.

Mexico isn’t scared limp. They’re busy trying to fight the cartels while still maintaining a functioning government. It’s easy to criticize them for not doing enough, but when you consider the balancing act they’re facing it’s not as simple as all that.

Want to fix immigration? Expedite the legal applications that have been stuck in limbo here in the States for years and overhaul the entire legal immigration process. Create some sort of path to citizenship for the people that are already here illegally and who otherwise follow the law, since that’s way cheaper than trying to round up and deport millions of people, or separating families. Punish the businesses and industries here in the States that depend on illegal labor, even if that means higher prices for Americans. Legalize marijuana, undercutting some of the drug trafficking routes these cartels are fighting over. And that’s just a start.

There’s plenty that we can do that doesn’t involve idiotic, racist laws like the one in Arizona, and which doesn’t involve the impossible pipe dream of hermetically sealing the border.