
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

ausador5/04/2010 1:02:38 am PDT

Wow…tag team MoonBat Concern Trolls…been a while since we have seen this one.

And I trust you heard that Obama ordered the assassination of an American citizen without a trial.

Yeah I’m all effing choked up about a radical Imam who has turned his back on his native country and now preaches that we should be destroyed. He is hiding out in Yemen somewhere last I heard after possibly helping out with the underwear bomber thing. Even if he didn’t I have read enough of his own words to know that he is undoubtably a traitor.

Do you know what the legal punishment for a traitor is?

ding, ding, ding…thats right, it is DEATH!

You need to take that kind of shit to the KOS kids or somewhere else, no one wants to hear it here.