
Eric Cantor to Netanyahu: The GOP Majority Will Be a 'Check on the Obama Administration'

insanity police11/13/2010 3:25:46 pm PST

re: #271 Obdicut

And you also realize that she was Bush’s secretary of state and speaking for his administration, yes?

Sure, I get that. I think Condi was bad on Israel on some issues, but not all. Bush was friendly to Israel, and you can’t dispute that. I have no faith or trust in Obama on Israel. That’s my opinion. I feel like he would sell out Israel, and that is the opinion of many Jews, and most Israelis. I’m glad Cantor has more power. I’m not all for the Republicans, but on the issue of Israel they have been much better for the Jewish State. I think a strong Israel is good for the U.S. A Palestinian state won’t help the U.S. one bit.