
Overnight Open Thread

Gus2/04/2011 8:44:56 am PST

re: #283 Killgore Trout

Drudge linking to Alex Jones again this morning: Obama’s Blocking Of New Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts?

I had to look. Found a comment!

keith4130 Says:
February 3rd, 2011 at 11:38 am

In 1973 the Oil Embargo occurred and gas station lines occurred in the US. For a short time it created a panic. The politicians at the time (puppets then as puppets now) jumped up and down and yelled …. “we must reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and create alternate energy sources” … just like a broken record. Just under 40 years later, we remain in the same boat. Why, because oil is a major profit for the elite run corp/industrial complex, and they want to keep it that way. Why was gasoline 4 bucks a gallon in 2008 just before the collapse? It wasn’t demand, it was wall street bankers at Goldman Sachs and other banks buying up gasoline futures and making a killing in profits while the rest of us paid the price. The prices dropped immediately after the collapse, again not because of demand, but because the wall street banker human shit was otherwise distracted. Until we remove the cancer that runs the world behind the scenes, Globalist Zionist profit greed ridden human waste, that will put a dollar in their pocket while letting 1 million people die somewhere else on the planet, all of these trends will continue. F the globalist NWO Bilderberg CFR wall street banker and central banker human waste, the greatest criminals on the planet, the deaths of millions via wars, financial collapses, other, lay at their hands. Traitor human excrement filth.