
CPAC 2011, Day 2

Jadespring2/11/2011 1:40:05 pm PST

re: #272 RadicalModerate

Could someone please parse what Ron Paul just said on CNN? What I heard was two completely contradictory statements. First, it was a mistake to send aid to Egypt, and should end all foreign aid (including non-military). Then says that we should be friends and support them.

He’s also predicting that the next leader of Egypt will be a dictator, elections be damned.

That’s pretty much what he said.

Sending money all the money was a waste as in terms of an investment. A lot of it ended up in Swiss bank accounts. It also ended up funding the military which wasn’t there to protect the state but Mubarak. Ends up supporting a dictator and then look what happened. Said no need for foreign aid anywhere especially in these economic times.
Said we can be friends, trade and whatnot but forget the aid.

Also said US should butt out and not interfere with what going on. Said the CIA is probably already looking for new guys to put in power and support. Shouldn’t do that, Egyptians don’t want it…causes trouble down the road. Said he believes that the odds of having another dictator are good but especially if the US interferes like it has before. Butt out and less chance of a dictator.