
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

Afrocity2/24/2009 9:15:36 am PST

re: #243 Occasional Reader

But by hogging all that good health for yourself, you’re taking it away from someone else. And that’s not fair.


The difference between my healthcare on welfare as a child vs. now is like night and day. I did not have any choices and most of the doctors did not care. I remember, god this was so condescending but I was having pains in my side. I was 11 and they kept asking me if I was pregnant. I was still playing with Barbie dolls. I kept saying no

“did you have sex?” I was like NO.

This went on for a month and they finally hospitalized me and said I had a colon blockage but geeze.