
LGF on Glenn Beck

robdouth4/16/2009 3:42:59 pm PDT

Sorry Charles but I can’t get behind the guilt by association arguments. If there are nutjobs at a grassroots type protest, what are you supposed to do? Deny them access? Unfortunately when you have a protest, you are going to get crazies, but given the spontaneous nature of these things, there are bound to be a couple nutjobs. As for the cheering for crazy statements, who knows, I can’t view the link. I do tend to notice that at protests, as long as you shout something with authority, you are probably going to get cheers becuase half the people there can’t hear anything anyway so they cheer at pauses because it’s expected. If I’m off base, then a mea culpa to you, but methinks you are too eager to right off these protests, when I ran into a couple little old ladies last night getting off the new light rail in Mesa, AZ, and they seemed sweet and nice from the little bit of conversation I overheard and had with them.

I think the vast majority of people are pissed about the spending, but are being labeled as tax-haters and nutjobs so no one has to take it seriously.