
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

drcordell9/29/2009 11:28:29 am PDT

re: #287 Oh no…Sand People!

You ever read the Koran or the Hadiths?

I’ve read the Koran and parts of the Hadiths. I admire your ‘secular relativity’ in applying it to the Mullah’s, but it is naive thinking.

It’s always “naive thinking” in the present, until 15 years later everyone talks about how crazy it was to assume your enemy would have launched a first strike. You ever read the book of revelations? That’s some batshit crazy apocalyptic stuff, but you rightfully don’t assume the U.S. is about to start a nuclear war to bring on the 2nd coming of Christ.

Iran and its leadership have concerned themselves entirely too much with the trappings of worldly power to willingly vaporize themselves. Iran wants the bomb because it is the ultimate power preserver. No “regime change” when you have an A-bomb. If anything their quest for the bomb shows that at the end of the day they are just power-hungry assholes like any other dictators.