
Overnight Ocean Thread

Hengineer11/08/2009 7:30:00 am PST

re: #287 PT Barnum

And how did you pay for school? Loans, grants, scholarships?

If you took a loan out was it government guaranteed?

I applaud your achievements. I went through a lot of the same things, and am grateful for the assistance I did get. When my first wife and I were poor as churchmice, WIC was a huge benefit and helped us get out of the hole we were in, when I wanted to go back to school, Pell grants and guaranteed loans were an enormous assistance in allowing me to get a better job and make more money.

I think Mandy’s point about equality of outcome is valid as well. I have no use for those who whine about their situation without being willing to do anything about it. The problem is that often conservatives seem to feel that because some are undeserving and aren’t willing to work, that nobody should get any help. I disagree with that position heartily.

That’s whats good about government grants for education, because it still requires an effort on the part of the receiver. Unlike Welfare where the receiver just sits on their fat ass and receives their check (unless things have changed or theres something I don’t know about). Grants and Scholarships that are worked through the Federal Government promote bettering ones-self. Just like a Government Program that helps people with resumes and helps them find jobs. Its a hand-up, not just a hand-out.