
Tonight: The Peacemaker

289 9:12:50 pm PST

re: #282 laZardo

Morality should be arbitrated in the private sphere by people close to us (e.g. relatives and friends) but should ultimately guide a person into their maturity, as imperfect as that process is. It is not the responsibility of the government, and especially not the responsibility of those conservative fundamentalists that think that arbitrating morality from the congressional podium is the only way to SAEV DIS NATION.

Well, I agree.

But that requires a parting of the ways between who you are at your core and what you will support, ideologically in the political sphere.

If it’s expected that ultra-religious folks will engage in that separation (and I think it must be done), then why wouldn’t we expect it also from those who are non-religious? That at some point, they will have to separate some piece of themselves, some deep belief they hold, from what they will support ideologically in politics? If we expect religious folks to do it, why wouldn’t we expect non-religous folks to do it, also?