
Oslo Updates: Terrorist Asks Lawyer How Many He Killed

Birth Control Works7/26/2011 5:48:35 pm PDT

re: #275 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

The common usage comes from all those items linked, not the other way around. Just because commoners don’t know that doesn’t negate the fact.

Additionally, you might be interested in Martin E. Marty’s The Fundamentalism Project (your local library probably has them), but if you think that stuff I linked is long and tedious, you really won’t like The Fundamentalism Project. It’s another academic venture that looks at all religious fundamentalism, not just the Christian version.

“Fundamentalist extremist” as redundancy? Perhaps. Except all fundamentalists are not extremist, not all extremists are fundamentalists. And ABB is not a “fundamentalist”.

That Venn Diagram thing, again. lol

WHACKO’s, the proper term is WHACKO.

Venn Diagrams **shiver***