
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

W of O. The Time Zone Warrior.9/09/2011 12:06:23 pm PDT

I think this is very disturbing.

A Wisconsin state employee has been fired after he revealed that a Department of Transportation official had instructed workers to not notify citizens that IDs necessary for voting could be obtained for free.

State employee Chris Larsen told radio host John “Sly” Sylvester that his bosses at the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) had become upset because he sent an email to other employees Thursday to remind them that photo IDs were supposed to be available without charge.

“Do you know someone who votes that does not have a State ID that meets requirements to vote?” Larsen asked in his email, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “Tell them they can go to the DMV/DOT and get a free ID card. However they must ask for the free ID. a memo was sent out by the 3rd in command of the DMV/DOT. The memo specifically told the employees at the DMV/DOT not to inform individuals that the ID’s are free. So if the individuals seeking to get the free ID does not ask for a free ID, they will have to pay for it!!”

Just a day earlier, The Capital Times had revealed the memo written by Department of Transportation’s Steve Krieser.

“While you should certainly help customers who come in asking for a free ID to check the appropriate box, you should refrain from offering the free version to customers who do not ask for it,” Krieser told Division of Motor Vehicle employees.

Moments after being fired, Larsen spoke to Sylvester in an interview.

Wingnuts dictating the agenda. And they are the ones who want to “take back America”? At all costs so it seems….