
The New Republic Takes a Close Look at the Anarchist Agenda of Snowden, Greenwald and Assange

Justanotherhuman1/19/2014 12:40:26 pm PST

If you understand the libertarian mind—the me, me, me rants that Ayn Rand put together in her writings—it’s easy to understand how types like Snowden, Greenwald, etc. can defend and justify their actions and beliefs. Their childish, selfish thinking has no room for consequences.

The individual and what the individual wants, no matter whether good or bad, are the only worthy subjects of political belief to them. That is what justifies theft or any other criminal activities that one or more persons commit, and the belief that criminal activities deserve no punishment if, in the mind of the criminal, also, that the crime committed, in his judgment, and his judgment alone, is good for society.

There is no room in the libertarian’s childish philosophy for any collection of individuals to arrive at a consensus through the political processes of their own state to make the laws that they wish to live under because to them, there is actually no “society”, just the individual. So, in essence, a libertarian can justify committing a crime because no one is supposed to judge him.

And just think—all those supposedly educated individuals who have bought into the Greensnow story and scenario are under the thrall of a thief, a common criminal, not their own set of ethics, but Snowden’s, because Snowden didn’t want to work within legal parameters. And Snowden and his cohorts love the attention they have ginned up..