
Dumbest Man on the Internet: Vegas Terrorists Were "Neo-Nazi Socialists"

Scottish Dragon6/09/2014 12:45:26 pm PDT

This is s particularly disturbing manifestation of No True Scotsman. Over the past few years since Jonah “Doughy Pantload” Goldberg started calling progressives “Nazis”, wingnuts have latched onto the “National Socialist” part of the acronym to yell that the Nazis were not right wing at all and that ALL dictatorships from Pinochet to Idi Amin were all actually lefty socialists.

It’s also a total crock of shit, as anyone who has taken a poly sci class knows. Nazis and other right wing bad guys love capitalism and money…and make it serve the needs of the state warmachine while lining their own pockets (lotsa examples of German officers doing this). Right wing totalitarianism seeks to return the state to a mythic past glory that was undermined and betrayed by (fill in the blank scapegoat group), ergo it relies on social reactionary conservatism. Workers and the poor are ignored unless they are carrying rifles or building them.

Communism seeks to bring the state to a glorious mythic future that has never existed before and punishes those who keep society from moving into this promised land. Capitalism is out the window and the state decides what the priorities are for building etc. Workers and the poor get a lot more attention initially, but end up carry rifles or building them to deal with those Nazi guys who are also building and carrying rifles.

Both groups are utterly, diamtetrically opposed in philosophy but still end up as totalitarian nightmares.

The wingnuts ignore this so that they can call everybody they don’t like a “Nazi” and disown their comrades who kill under a Gadsden flag.